Заклад дошкільної освіти комбіновано типу "Карамелька"

Будівництво дитячого навчального закладу, розташованого у Солом'янському районі м.Києва, за адресою: бульвар Вацлава Гавела, 81-а,  розпочалося ще у 80-х роках ХХ століття, однак, через відсутність фінансування його було призупинено. Майже 40 років заклад чекав своєї черги. Нині він виглядає як перлина у старенькому мікрорайоні -- новий яскравий дитячий садочок побудований за найсучаснішими стандартами.  У будівлі садка, крім затишних спалень та ігрових кімнат, облаштовано  спеціальні зали для занять музикою та фізкультурою, басейн для плавання, сучасний зручний харчоблок, кабінети психолога і логопеда,  комп'ютерний клас,  прально-прасувальні приміщення, медичний блок з фізіотерапевтичним кабінетом та ізолятором.

Нам дуже приємно мати безпосереднє відношення до створення затишку і комфортної атмосфери в стінах цього дитячого садочка. Професійна команда наших електриків  більше ніж півроку трудилась, проводячи весь комплекс електромонтажних робіт від прокладки кабелю до монтажу світильників, розеток і вимикачів. Всі ці роботи проводились відповідно до чітко визначених правил безпеки і з урахуванням того факту, що в приміщеннях будуть постійно перебувати маленькі діти.

Значну роль було приділено підбору освітлення, адже штучне освітлення в дитячому садочку повинно бути  нешкідливим і безпечним для його вихованців. Використання світлодіодних світильників для внутрішнього освітлення приміщень в школі чи дитсадку вже не є новацією. Світлодіодне світло близьке по колірній температурі до природного освітлення, дає хорошу рівномірну освітленість, що перешкоджає розвитку короткозорості у дітей, а ефективність навчального процесу поліпшується: підвищується уважність, зменшується стомлюваність дітей. Якісні світлодіодні світильники ТМ ELCOR, що використовувались у проекті,  не мерехтять, забезпечують необхідний рівень освітленості  та звісно істотно знижують витрати на електроенергію і скорочують витрати на їх обслуговування .

Злагоджена командна робота від поставки матеріалів до безпосереднього електромонтажу завжди дає хороші результати. 

Надіємось діткам в стінах нового дитячого садка завжди буде затишно і комфортно,  адже доброзичлива і комфортна обстановка сприяє гарному настрою і гармонійному розвитку дитини.

Reconstruction of the cinema "Zhovten" on the street Konstantinovskaya, 24 in Podilskyi district, Kiev

In October 2015, the “Zhovten” cinema was opened after a large-scale reconstruction and full technical re-equipment. The concepts chosen by the designers were brought to life thanks to the newest technologies and professionalism of our company's employees, who took an active part in the supply and selection of lighting. The correct choice of lighting from the widest range of lamps for indoor lighting provides the aesthetics and functionality of the system in the updated cinema.

Kindergarten № 383 on the street. Garmatna, 41 in Solomyansky district in Kyiv

In September 2015, a kindergarten No. 383 was officially opened after reconstruction on Garmatna Street, 41 in the Solomensky district of Kiev. The building of the kindergarten built back in 1964 was not just restored, but it was expanded by building the 3rd floor, a full replacement of engineering networks was replaced, the lighting system was replaced, taking into account all the requirements for light quality for young children, energy-efficient windows were installed, the facade was insulated , equipped territory. At this facility, lamps were used that create comfortable lighting and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the kindergarten.

The secondary school №128 on the street Raisy Okipnoy, 6 in the Dniprovsky district in the city of Kyiv

September 1, 2015 was officially opened after reconstruction with the extension of secondary school No. 128 on ul. Raisa Okipnoy, 6, in the Dnieper area. According to the technical requirements, construction and finishing works in the rooms, arrangement of suspended ceilings, floors and ceilings, replacement of lamps and miscalculation of effective lighting in classrooms, pool, gymnasium, reconstruction of exterior lighting, attic repair, replacement of windows and doors, waterproofing and lining of the bowl were carried out. pool, laying of household communications, landscaping. Our goal was to choose a variety of fixtures to ensure the most comfortable conditions for students in different rooms. The task is 100% complete.

Dwelling house on the street. Dontsya, 2-A in Solomyansky district, in Kyiv

The complete set of the object is a system of trays, pipes and accessories of TM “DKS”, cable and wiring products, lamps, wiring accessories. The individual approach and high qualification of our specialists, the supply of quality materials from well-known manufacturers for electrical installation, allows us to be confident in the quality of the entire spectrum of work performed on the electrical installation of premises at this facility.

Kindergarten at 8, Vyshnyakivs'ka Street, in Darnytskyi District, Kyiv

In December 2016 in Kiev on the street. Vishnyakovskaya, 8-B opened a new kindergarten №791. Particular attention was paid to energy saving issues: a warmed facade was equipped, ventilation systems with air recovery were provided, and energy-saving lighting was installed. Today, LED-based lighting systems are the most energy-efficient and innovative, so replacing luminaries with outdated lamps with LED lighting fixtures significantly reduces electricity consumption, minimizes the maintenance costs of the lighting system and frees up additional power. These technologies were applied at this facility. The garden is working on the "smart building" system, equipped with: server room, through which the life support of the institution is provided, with interactive boards, external and internal video surveillance cameras. This kindergarten today is one of the most modern in Ukraine.

Kindergarten № 423 on the street. Degtyarivska, 43-A in Shevchenkivsky district, in Kyiv

December 21, 2016 in Kiev on the street. Degtyarevskaya, 43-A opened a capitally repaired kindergarten №423. Particular attention was paid to energy saving issues: a warmed facade was equipped, ventilation systems with air recovery were provided, and energy-saving lighting was installed. Today, LED-based lighting systems are the most energy-efficient and innovative, so replacing luminaries with outdated lamps with LED lighting fixtures significantly reduces electricity consumption, minimizes the maintenance costs of the lighting system and frees up additional power. These technologies were applied at this facility.

Center for Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in the street of Olena Teliga, 37-G in Shevchenkivskyi district, in Kyiv

On December 27, 2016, in Kiev, opened the first and only in Ukraine social rehabilitation center for children with disabilities. The center is located in the reconstructed premises of the former kindergarten on O. Teligi street, 37Г. The development of a lighting project based on calculated data made it possible to carry out a competent modernization of the lighting system, optimize the general lighting of the room and individual workplaces, and solve other important tasks.

Center for Administrative Services on Oliynyk St., 21 in Darnytskyi District, Kyiv

In December 2016, the ceremonial opening of the Center for the provision of administrative services on Oleinik Street, 21, took place. This is a modern and convenient office, which provides an impressive list of services. The reconstruction involved not only changing the design of the room, but also doing everything so that the people who are here could stay comfortably. One of the most important roles here is light. Optimization of lighting of premises and workplaces was performed taking into account such parameters as the object's purpose, the ratio of natural and artificial light, the load on the staff’s eyesight during the work process, etc. human lighting system.

The creation of such projects is an opportunity to make the infrastructure of Kiev more convenient and modern.

Center for Social Services at Gnata Yury St., 14-B in Svyatoshinsky district, Kyiv

In June 2017, the Center for Social Services was located on Gnat Yury Street, 14-B, Svyatoshinsky district of Kiev. After a large-scale reconstruction, this is a new, super-innovative space for operational assistance with government agencies for social assistance. The reconstruction involved not only changing the design of the room, but also doing everything so that the people who are here could stay comfortably. One of the most important roles here is light. Optimization of lighting of premises and workplaces was performed taking into account such parameters as the object's purpose, the ratio of natural and artificial light, the load on the staff’s eyesight during the work process, etc. human lighting system.

Restrained minimalist interior design is the future of new administrative buildings in Kiev.

Secondary school in Tetyana Yablonskaya str., 12 in Solomyansky district, Kyiv

On September 1, 2017, a new building was solemnly opened for the Erudit educational and educational complex in the Solomensky district at the intersection of Lebedev-Kumach and Tatyana Yablonskaya streets. Our professional specialists, together with the employees of the project organization, have developed design solutions for indoor and outdoor lighting in order to implement a high-quality and energy-efficient lighting system in the new school building. To save electricity, only energy-efficient equipment and LED lighting were installed. The school is equipped with all modern technologies.

Киевский велотрек на ул.Богдана Хмельницкого в Шевченковском районе в г.Киеве

On May 20, 2017, the cycle track and the Center of Bicycle Culture were solemnly opened in Kiev. During the renovation, the racing canvas and stands were restored, and a treadmill was equipped. The administrative and sports building was fully repaired and now it houses workshops, storage boxes, medical center and administration. Properly designed and selected lighting for the cycle track meets all modern requirements for structures of this class and turned it into a real center of the bicycle culture of the capital, ensures the safety of the object and performs a decorative role.

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